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7754 Properties Found (shown in groups of 30)

Property Architect Builder Year Built Style Type
1842 Sinaloa Ave Britsch, George J. (confirmed) 1925 (actual) Spanish Colonial Revival Residence
1853 Sinaloa Ave 1940 (estimated) Residence
1859 Sinaloa Ave 1943 (estimated) Residence
1918 Sinaloa Ave Hardcastle, F.L. Jr. (attributed to) 1937 (actual) Residence
1970 Sinaloa Ave Moore, Martin T. (confirmed) 1926 (actual) Spanish Colonial Revival Residence
1984 Sinaloa Ave Grossman (attributed to) 1948 (estimated) Residence
1990 Sinaloa Ave Daniell, E.A. (attributed to) 1936 (actual) Residence
2000 Sinaloa Ave Lewis, Harry A. (attributed to) 1937 (actual) Residence
2018 Sinaloa Ave Moore, Laura L. (confirmed) 1927 (actual) English Period Revival Residence
2026 Sinaloa Ave Moore, Martin T. (confirmed) 1927 (actual) Spanish Colonial Revival Residence
2056 Sinaloa Ave Ober, Ruth W. (confirmed) 1925 (actual) California Cottage Residence
2074 Sinaloa Ave Altadena Home Builders (?) (attributed to) 1941 (estimated) Residence
2084 Sinaloa Ave Covert & VanDyke (confirmed) 1925 (actual) Spanish Colonial Revival Residence
2085 Sinaloa Ave 1948 (estimated) Residence
2092 Sinaloa Ave 1926 (estimated) English Period Revival Residence
2112 Sinaloa Ave Moore, W.W. (attributed to) 1945 (actual) Residence
2121 Sinaloa Ave Bissner, Harold J. (attributed to) Daniell, E.A. (attributed to) 1949 (estimated) Residence
2128 Sinaloa Ave Roberts, Joseph H. (attributed to) Swain, C.O. (attributed to) 1930 (actual) Spanish Colonial Revival Residence
2140 Sinaloa Ave Roth, Joseph G. (attributed to) 1936 (actual) Spanish Colonial Revival Residence
2146 Sinaloa Ave Boyden, Kenneth (attributed to) 1946 (actual) Residence
2151 Sinaloa Ave 1949 (estimated) Residence
2158 Sinaloa Ave Stone, William J. (attributed to) Kemper, Alvin A. (attributed to) 1930 (actual) Spanish Colonial Revival Residence
2197 Sinaloa Ave Evans (attributed to) 1950 (estimated) Residence
2211 Sinaloa Ave Smith, Al C. (attributed to) 1951 (estimated) Residence
2221 Sinaloa Ave Evans (attributed to) 1951 (estimated) Residence
2231 Sinaloa Ave Barnes, Donald H. (attributed to) 1950 (estimated) Residence
2285 Sinaloa Ave Fabbro (attributed to) 1950 (estimated) Residence
2320 Sinaloa Ave Evans (attributed to) 1952 (estimated) Residence
3613 Skylane Dr 1967 (estimated) Residence
1701 Skyview Dr Norwood & DeLonge (attributed to) 1951 (estimated) Residence